My secret weapon: healing with light
/Now that I’m Lyme-free, I’ve received a lot of questions about the methods I used to heal from Lyme and the many other chronic infections I was fighting. The answer is a complicated one - I used several different natural and alternative therapies all of which I believed played a huge role in my (relatively) quick and successful recovery. But there was one form of therapy I believe had the biggest impact, Biontology. In fact, I had so much success with it that I will begin training in the next couple of months to become a certified Biontologist so Wiser Wellness clients can benefit from it as well!
As I’m ramping up to that I thought it would be helpful to write a mini-series about Biontology and my experience with it since it is v. alternative ;). To kick off the series, let’s start with the basics. If you read my other blog post on alternative treatment and Biontology this might sound familiar!
What is Biontology?
Essentially, Biontology is light therapy that helps to improve the quality of light within your body. As research has proven, our DNA (cells) communicate through Biophotons, ultraweak photon emissions (aka light particles/waves).
Picture this: when your body is healthy it has nice balanced light waves communicating between your cells. When your body is sick those light waves become chaotic and weak, making communication between your cells very difficult and leading to an array of problems.
Biontology helps to balance those chaotic light waves so your cells can communicate more efficiently and your body can ultimately heal itself. It is a non-intrusive therapy that identifies and focuses on healing the root of the issue .
Instruments needed:
Chiren machine (used to measure ailments and delivers light remedies)
Crystal probes (used to transfer light into the body)
Crystal footplates (used to transfer light into the body)
Electro-acupuncture pens (used to measure ailments)
What to expect during an appointment.
There are two phases to each two-hour session: measurement and therapy. During the measurement portion, the practitioner uses a form of electro-acupuncture (sans needles) to identify the chaotic light waves throughout the body. From the measured acupuncture pressure points we’re able to identify what specific organs are affected.
Electro-acupuncture you ask? It is essentially acupuncture when the instrument carries a mild electrical current. In the case of Biontology, there are two tools used to facilitate electro-acupuncture. The first (blue) looks like a pen with a fine tip on the end with a cord that connects it to the Chiren machine. The tip is pressed into the pressure points of the hand and feet for measurement. The other tool (gold) is held in the hand during the measurement portion of the session by the client receiving therapy.
Tools used to facilitate electro-acupuncture during the measurement portion of each session.
Based on ancient Chinese medicine, there are pressure points throughout the body that are linked to organs and body systems. Biontology focuses on using these pressure points, specifically the points in the hands and feet. When the tip of the blue tool is applied to a pressure point, the machine gives off a pitch and the sound of that pitch will tell you the health of that organ. A steady pitch means balanced (healthy) light waves and a pitch that drops means chaotic (unhealthy) light waves. So as a practitioner works his way through the pressure points, the pitch tells them where the chaotic light is, ultimately leading us to a potential ailment.
Have I lost you yet? No? Good.
The second half of the session is dedicated to rebalancing the chaotic light waves. The Chiren machine contains over 600 homeopathic light remedies specific to different ailments like lyme, bartonella, small/large intestine inflammation, arthritis, sinus infections, dysbiosis, adrenal fatigue and candida. If a chaotic light wave is detected, the practitioner tests it against a specific homeopathic light remedy to determine if that information changes the chaotic light wave to a balanced wave. If it does, that remedy is selected and is then transmitted into the body through crystal rods held in the hands and crystal plates that the feet rest on. The balancing portion of the session takes anywhere from 20–45 minutes and is completely non-intrusive, pain and drug free!
Crystal rods held in hand to receive light remedies.
What was my first Biontology experience like?
Frankly, I didn’t know what to think. Keep in mind that before this I had stuck to relatively conventional forms of treatment so this was out of my comfort zone. I was completely weirded out by the entire process yet felt immediate relief in certain places throughout my body that I could not ignore. It was different yet intriguing and most definitely unconventional.
Leaving my first session I had a difficult time wrapping my head around how exactly this would help me and I found myself asking the question, “if it’s really that simple, why isn’t everyone doing it?” But I knew in order for me to fully jump onboard I had to be open-minded so I made the commitment to better understand this newfound therapy over the next few months and go from there. It still remains one of the best decisions I made in my journey towards good health.
Here’s what others I’ve personally referred have to say about their experiences.
“I tried Biontology this last May. I was having episodes of getting incredibly sick to my stomach and could not figure out the root of the problem. Conventional doctors and blood tests provided me with no information and with a big international trip looming I wanted to not only figure out what was causing said episodes but stop it from reoccurring. I am a very literal person, Biontology is not something I could wrap my head around, it made no sense to me but I watched a friend visibly get better in front of my eyes and the one thing that she changed on her quest for help: Biontology. I went to a two-hour session and we talked a lot about my episodes (which my Biontologist healed) but the thing that surprised me most was him bringing up a lower back injury from 20+ years prior. I hadn't mentioned it at all but within 30 minutes of my session my Biontologist asked about it - this blew my mind. My episodes of getting sick stopped that day and I have relief in my lower back for the first time in two decades. Biontology truly was a life changing experience.” - Female, 30’s
“I have suffered from psoriatic arthritis for 15+ years. It's an autoimmune disease that attacks organs as well as joints. Supposedly there is no cure for it. The medications prescribed are almost as bad as the disease itself. I jumped into Biontology with full faith and went off the meds. Within 4 months, my life completely changed! This disease is very visible. My family cannot believe the change they have actually seen. I now live drug-free and pain-free. Now, Biontology is definitely my treatment of choice.” - Female, 50’s
“I am an active, (relatively) healthy 58 year old woman, who has relied on traditional medicine, diet, exercise, and occasional acupuncture over the years to maintain a high quality of life. I have spent my share at health food stores on supplements for the 'ailment de jour'…digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, sleep deprivation, brain fog, and joint problems, you name it! When I was told I needed hip surgery because of pain from overuse, I decided it was time to follow Ali’s advice and try Biontology. The threat of surgery finally compelled me to make an appointment. Within my first two sessions I had relief from my hip pain, better balance and brain clarity, and significant improvement in my overall health. Biontology revealed that some of my problems resulted from whiplash suffered during a car accident that I had totally forgotten! Now, we are addressing horrible Tinitis, and it is improving. The Biontology sessions have changed my life: I am a believer. In this time of increased diagnosis of various autoimmune illnesses, concerns about dietary disease, poor food quality, and other random environmental effects, we are fortunate to have alternatives to traditional treatments that have been proven to be worthless, or even dangerous. I recommend Biontology for people searching for answers to health questions, frustrated by nagging problems that can’t be identified by traditional medicine, or those who are eager to make improvements in their overall health.” - Female, 50’s
To wrap it up...
I'm really looking forward to sharing more with you about my experience with Biontology in the coming months. Although therapies like Biontology are alternative and "out there", I hope the testimonies from today encourage you to have an open mind about your approach to your health. Biontology taught me the importance of taking a step back to focus on healing the root issue versus the symptom. Next up in this mini-series I will be talking more about my skepticism, experience and decision to pursue Biontology. Stay tuned!